Program Description – Preschool
Our Preschool Age: 2.5 – 4 years
Staff/Child Ratio – 1 staff for every 8 children. (2 rooms – up to 16 children in each room with 2 staff)
Our preschool program includes a weekly planned curriculum to further each child’s learning and development. Our educators use focused observations and rich dialogues with the children to develop a solid understanding of the child’s knowledge, experiences and interests. Using this information our educators are able to determine what children are capable of learning and how to facilitate the learning process.
In our preschool room(s) our educators seek to enhance oral language, communication and social skills through participation in rich and purposeful play-based opportunities. Our educators work closely with the children to support self-regulation (behaviour, attention, and emotion) to assist children in identifying and advocating for their needs. Children will be exposed to a variety of activities to develop early literacy and math skills through planned and free-play learning blocks. Weather permitting, children will participate in outdoor play/learning, 2 times daily, to strengthen their fine and gross motor development as well as develop a richer understanding of the world around them.
Parents and community members are welcome to share their knowledge and expertise with the children through classroom visits.