Program Description – Infant

Our infant program – Age: Birth-18 months

Staff/Child ratio: 1 staff for every 3 children. (1 room -10 children/3 staff).

The program is designed to provide a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment to provide our youngest children opportunities to learn and grow through weekly planned, developmentally appropriate experiences and activities.

Each infant’s schedule is specifically tailored to suit his/her own unique, feeding and playtime needs.  Our separate sleep room allows for each child’s individual nap schedule to be honoured.  Daily routines are consistent, yet, flexible to accommodate each child’s individual needs based on our educators’ focused observations.

Children will be exposed to a variety of hands on activities which stimulate all senses, foster cognitive, gross motor and language development.   Through the use of the emergent curriculum, all programming is derived based on the children’s unique interests and encourages a natural curiosity about the world around them.

We strive to establish strong parent/educator partnerships: each day our educators provide daily, detailed written forms to communicate nap times, food intake and diaper changes and activities.  All children’s progress will be documented in a portfolio containing observations and photos which are readily available.